This post was originally written by David Jacobson for his blog The Birth Through Third Grade Learning Hub.  Thanks, David!

Linda Warren and I did a joint presentation on Birth Through Third Grade Alignment in Massachusetts at the NAEYC Professional Development Institute in Minneapolis earlier this month. Linda and her colleagues at Early Childhood Associates are providing support to Lowell’s Birth-Third Alignment Partnership. Linda presented on Lowell’s strategy and plans, and I provided an overview of the EEC Alignment Partnerships.

Linda has been kind enough to share her presentation with the Learning Hub: Birth to Grade 3 Alignment Initiatives NAEYC Presentation.  The presentation outlines Lowell’s start-up phase, its emerging school readiness plan (see the Lowell Legacy graphic on slide 24), and the city’s plans for Round Two of the EEC Alignment Partnership.

For additional information on Lowell’s Alignment Partnership, see Building a Common Vision of Quality  and  Communities of Practice in Lowell.


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